Colleen Giffin
Whether it’s because of where I live or how involved I am with my kids, my ability to have a social network, especially among my peers, has been restricted greatly over the years. And Rise has been an outlet for me for that. And I want it very much. It is something that I believe continues to help me because sharp makes other things sharp. I need that ability to have that push back. I need that ability to have, the impetus or the reason for my brain to start percolating and think, and get outside of my everyday routine. Because if all I do is my day in and day out routine, then I’m never going to be able to grow. And I want growth. Not only just personally but also professionally. Meeting new people, getting better at being what I am for a job, this has also helped me be a better mom, a better wife, a better friend. And that is one of the things I treasure and I’m willing to pay for.